
Friday, November 3, 2023

Jammu,Kashmir & Ladakh Seed Bank

Seed Bank
The Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Center is constructing a special depot at Glacier Cave in Pahalgam to preserve the seeds of all crops around the world.

The thousands of seeds stored on this glacier will be used by the bank in the event of a  catastrophic disaster or nuclear war in the world and crop damage.
The cave was built to protect the seeds stored in the event of a nuclear war 
or natural disaster.

The Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Center will set up an 
observatory in a cave on this glacier gene to create a 'seed bank'. 
In this regard,  the Jammu and Kashmir Medical Plants Introduction Center 
has also decided to send a proposal to the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.

Sheikh Gulzar, a volunteer at the institute, said the seeds of all the world's crops 
would be kept in the cave.

Sheikh Gulzar said that there are 1,400 such seed banks in the world at present but 
they are all located in places where there is either political instability or in places 
where there is a risk of natural disasters

The temperature of the plugs will help keep these seeds safe. The walls of 
the bank will be made of lightweight concrete and its doors will be made of 
special iron sheets.

Availability of planting material, tree saplings, herb seed, flower seeds, 
fruit plants, creepers & climbers, medicinal herbs, herbal roots, 
crude drugs, bulbs, tree bark, herbal tea, corms, rhizomes, stem tubers 
& root tubers, aromatic plants.

For more details :
Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh Seed Bank
POB 40 GPO Srinagar, JK 190001
Address changed : Address: "Ginkgo House", A-370, Pampore Jammu, Kashmir & Ladakh 192121
WhatsApp : 9858986794
Mob: 09858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Maca-Lepidium meyenii seeds from Kashmir

Maca-Lepidium meyenii is a tough and tolerant plant. Maca can survive in poor soils, wind, flooding, drought, cold temperatures, and even surprisingly warm temperatures (into the upper 80's at least).
Maca seeds India

Maca root powder is noted for being invigorating, strengthening and slightly 
bitter tasting. The effect of maca has been compared to that of ginseng 
(Panax ginseng). It is said to improve performance and memory while 
also making it easier to cope with stressful situations. 

Traditionally, maca is used as an aphrodisiac and to increase fertility 
in men and women. The effects of black and red maca powder 
differ : while black maca is very beneficial for memory, fatigue and 
fertility issues, red maca can help benign prostatic hyperplasia and 
osteoporosis. Like all brassicas, maca contains mustard oils that have 
an antimicrobial effect. Like green and black tea, maca also contains 
antioxidants that protect cells against free radicals. Maca tea, baked 
goods made with maca as well as pure maca powder capsules are not 
only energizing but also have many other positive effects on the body.

Availability: 100 grams (powder farm), Seeds also available : 25 seeds pkt
WhatsApp : 9858986794
Ph; 01933-223705

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Ferula-Heeng cultivation in Cold desert of Kashmir


Heeng seeds

It’s native to Turkmenistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kashmir,Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan and is a bit smaller than some other species. It only grows to about three feet tall.
Ferula grows best in a cold, arid, sunny climate. While it’s a fussy plant, in the right climate, it will hunker down and stubbornly grow (and spread) without any interference from us.
But when the weather takes a turn that these plants don’t like, they go dormant. That’s why they grow so slowly.
It’s an ongoing cycle of dormancy, resurgence, dormancy, and resurgence. But if you can manage the environment as best you can, you can speed things up.
Asafetida needs full sun, but it doesn’t like heat. Don’t be tempted to grow it in partial shade to keep it cool. It actually needs full sun.
In the wild, you’ll find most species growing in sandy or loamy soil in full sun.
The quickest way to get rid of asafetida is to plant it somewhere with heavy, poorly-draining soil. Your soil should have a pH around 6.5 to 7.5.
Remember, your ferula won’t die, it will just go dormant in adverse conditions. That means it will stop growing, or it might even die back temporarily. The more often the plant goes dormant, the longer it takes to mature.
Availability: Planting material
WhatsApp: +91-9858986794
Mob: +91-9858986794
Ph: +91-1933-223705

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Buxus wallichiana tree in india

Buxus wallichiana is a member of the Buxaceae family, which is known for its many uses. It's used for: Making wood craft, Fuel, Fodder, Ornamental purposes, Hedges.

Buxus wallichiana is shade-loving and is associated with moist temperate mixed broad leaved forests. It's often grown in cultivation, where it grows no more than 6 or 8 feet high.

It is used for wood engraving and to make violin pegs and musical instruments. The shrub is commonly used as a topiary and hedging plant in gardens. Box contains steroidal alkaloids and flavonoids and has been used medicinally for a variety of ailments within its range over the centuries.

Availability : Seed/plant
WhatsApp: 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Kiwi fruit production in Kashmir

Kiwi or Chinese gooseberry (Actinidia deliciosa) is grown widely in New Zealand, Italy, USA,China, Japan, Australia, France, Pakistan, Iran, Kashmir, Chile and Spain.

kiwi garden Kashmir

Kiwi is mostly grown in the mid hills of Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, J & K, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh,Karnataka,Uttarakhand  and Kerala.  Having been very newly introduced in the country estimates of area and production have not yet become available.

Probably because they aren't mostly grown locally in India. They have to be imported. Import means taxes, more transportation charge, and higher risk of damage. All this leads to higher prices.

Kiwi fruit plant varieties cultivated in India are AbbottAllisonBrunoHaywardMonty and Tomuri.

Kiwi vine starts bearing at the age of 4-5 years while the commercial production starts at the age of 7-8 years. The fruits mature earlier at lower altitude and later at high altitudes because of variation in temperature. Large sized berries are harvested first while smaller ones are allowed to increase in size. After harvesting, the fruits are rubbed with a coarse cloth to remove stiff hairs found on their surface. Hard fruits are transported to the market. Subsequently, they lose their firmness in two weeks and become edible. Kiwi plant

Since kiwi is a dioecious plant, it bears pistillate and staminate flowers separately. Commercially grown important pistillate and staminate cultivars are:

Abbott : This is an early flowering and early maturing cultivar. The oblong, medium sized, fruits are covered with dense hairs. They are very sweet in taste with lower ascorbic acid content and medium titratable acidity.

Allison : Fruits resemble those of Abbott, except that these are slightly broader in proportion to its length. The petals of its flowers are overlapping and crimped along with margins. It is an early ripening, heavy bearer and sweet in taste. Ascorbic acid and titratable acidity are on the lower side. This variety is most suited for Himachal Pradesh.

Bruno : This cultivar requires comparatively less chilling period. The fruits are tapering in shape towards the stem end. They are longest among all the cultivars. The fruits is dark brown having very dense, short and bristly hair, highest in ascorbic acid and titratable acidity. The bearing is very heavy.

Hayward : Most popular cultivar or the world, Hayward is comparatively shy bearer with a tendency of biennial bearing. The fruit is broad and flat, being much wider in relation to length. It is superior in flavour with high sugar and ascorbic acid content. It requires comparatively more chilling hours.

Monty : It is a late flowering cultivar but fruit maturity is not late. The fruits are oblong, resembling those of Abbot and Allison. Being a highly prolific bearer cultivar, sometimes it needs hand thinning for obtaining good sized fruits. The fruit is somewhat wider towards blossom end with higher acidity and medium sugar content.

Tomuri : It is a good pollenizer for Hayward and Monty, the late flowering kiwis. Flowers appear usually in groups of 5. Allison : It is also used for pollenizing different cultivars.

Grow Your Own Kiwi fruit plants
Write us at :,
WhatsApp: 9858986794
Mob: 09858986794
Ph: 01933-223705
POB 40 GPO Srinagar SGR Jammu and Kashmir 190001

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Ferula asafetida-seed plants from Kashmir

Hing-Ferula asafetida in Kashmir

It’s native to Turkmenistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Kashmir,Tajikistan, and Kazakhstan and is a bit smaller than some other species. It only grows to about three feet tall.
Ferula grows best in a cold, arid, sunny climate. While it’s a fussy plant, in the right climate, it will hunker down and stubbornly grow (and spread) without any interference from us.
But when the weather takes a turn that these plants don’t like, they go dormant. That’s why they grow so slowly.
It’s an ongoing cycle of dormancy, resurgence, dormancy, and resurgence. But if you can manage the environment as best you can, you can speed things up.
Asafetida needs full sun, but it doesn’t like heat. Don’t be tempted to grow it in partial shade to keep it cool. It actually needs full sun.
In the wild, you’ll find most species growing in sandy or loamy soil in full sun.
The quickest way to get rid of asafetida is to plant it somewhere with heavy, poorly-draining soil. Your soil should have a pH around 6.5 to 7.5.
Remember, your ferula won’t die, it will just go dormant in adverse conditions. That means it will stop growing, or it might even die back temporarily. The more often the plant goes dormant, the longer it takes to mature.
More info:-
Availability: Seed/plants
WhatsApp: +91-9858986794
Ph: +91-1933-223-705

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Nigella sativa seed plantation

Nigella seed plant

Nigella  sativa is widely cultivated throughout South Europe, Syria, Kashmir,Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, India and Turkey. In India it is cultivated commercially in Punjab, Jharkhand, Rajisthan,Utrakhand & Tamil Nadu.

Availability : Seed/whole herb 
India WhatsApp: 9858986794 
International WhatsApp No: +91-9858986794 
Ph: 01933-223705 

Preserving India's Agricultural Future: The Role of Seed Banks

Seed banks in Indi a play a crucial role in conserving the country's rich agricultural biodiversity and supporting food security, climat...