
Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Damiana Tea Benefits: A Sip of Relaxation and Energy

Damiana (Turnera diffusa) is a wild shrub that grows in Mexico, Kashmir, Central America, and the West Indies. The leaf and stem are used to make medicine. Damiana contains chemicals that might improve stomach health and reduce ulcers.
Damiana tea Kashmir

Damiana is said to help enhance sexual health and treat a vast array of symptoms from diabetes to anxiety. But there isn't much more than anecdotal evidence to support these claims. Damiana, also known as Turnera diffusa, is a low-growing plant with yellow flowers and fragrant leaves.

A general guide is to take 2 to 4 grams (g) or less of dried damiana in tea form with meals, three times a day. Individual experiences will vary, but hallucinations have been reported at doses of 200 g.

Availability : Medicine/Seed & Plants
WhatsApp: 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Sambucus nigra trees in india for sale

Sambucus nigra trees are bushy shrubs or small trees that can grow up to 10 meters tall and have a diameter of 20–30 centimeters. They have brownish-grey bark, stout twigs, and leaves with 5–7 leaflets. The flowers are creamish white, and the fruits are black and globose. 

You can buy Sambucus nigra trees in India from online institution  like Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introuction Centre.

Sambucus nigra Kashmir

Availability :Plant/seeds
WhatsApp/Mob. 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

Friday, October 4, 2024

Harnessing Nature’s Bounty: The Versatile Uses of Inula racemosa

Inula racemosa is an Asian plant in the daisy family native to the temperate and alpine western Himalayas of Xinjiang, India, Iran, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Nepal, Pakistan.
 Inula racemosa Kashmir

Puskarmool is an aromatic tonic, febrifuge, and expectorant with anti-inflammatory, carminative, diuretic, and antiseptic properties. The plant is used in chronic bronchitis and rheumatism. Dried rhizomes and roots are used to cure loss of appetite and stomach troubles.

Availability: Plant/Root/Seeds
WhatsApp/Telegram: 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

The Science Behind Hawthorn Berry: Heart Health and Beyond

If you wish to help your heart stay strong and healthy, consider adding the hawthorn herb to your diet. Clinical studies have shown that this herb, which is derived from flowers and leaves of the hawthorn plant, has a positive effect on the heart. In addition to increasing blood flow to the heart, hawthorn berry may help regulate the heartbeat and help combat arrhythmia.
Howthorn berry tea

Availability: 500,1000 grams

WhatsApp/Telegram : 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Majesty of the Pine: Pinus wallichiana in Focus

Pinus wallichiana is a coniferous evergreen tree native to the Himalaya, Karakoram and Hindu Kush mountains, from eastern Afghanistan east across northern Pakistan and north Kashmir to Yunnan in southwest China. It grows in mountain valleys at altitudes of 1800–4300 m (rarely as low as 1200 m), reaching 30–50 m (98–164 ft) in height. It favours a temperate climate with dry winters and wet summers. In Pashto, it is known as Nishtar.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Miraculous Benefits of Shilajit: Nature's Best-Kept Secret for Health

The creator of the universe has created thousands and thousands of resources and things for the good and improvement of man in the world. It is impossible to count them, so it is not enough for us to mention their features and benefits. The dark substance that magically emerges from the mountains is Shilajit.

Shilajit Kashmir
What is Shilajit ?

Silajit or Shilajit is a black colored mineral with a strong smell and a bitter taste that comes out of very high mountains. It comes out of mountain crevices and freezes. After coming out, it gets mixed with stone fragments and mud etc. From there, the scrap is brought into the houses and later cleaned and made edible in various ways. Since ancient times in Gilgit-Baltistan, Shilajit has been used for diseases and weakness. Along with many properties and benefits, Shilajit is a special gift from nature and for this Shilajit is also called the sweat of the mountains. Nowadays, Shilajit capsules, tablets and powders are available in the market, but only a small amount of Silageet is used. Therefore, it is better to buy and use Shilajit in clean condition. Shilajit is becoming more expensive and rare day by day. The reason for this is the treatment of natural resources like all other natural resources by human beings and the cessation of its production due to climate change on the planet.

About of Shilajit :
The Himalayan and Karakoram mountain ranges located in Gilgit-Baltistan, Zanskar in Kargil, Kolhai Thajawas Glacier and parts of China. in Pakistan-administered Kashmir are believed to be the special habitat of the silajit. And especially where glaciers are found and there is snow year round. It emerges miraculously from the crevices and cliffs of the high mountains of these regions. It is not yet known what it is made of, but it is rich in sweat from the mountains. One impression is that there are hot springs and sulfur. The smell is also there, it is usually found in the surrounding area. In Gilgit-Baltistan, the people who go to graze cattle on the mountains or those who are keen hunters, bring the silage to the market. And it is not possible for ordinary people to have access to raw Silajit because it requires the art of climbing dangerous and deadly mountains and special knowledge of places where Shilajit is found.

Advantages of Shilajit:
There is a general impression that Shilajit is only a remedy for male or female sexual impotence, but according to modern science and research, Salajit has amazing, magical properties and benefits which include the following.

Shilajit is considered to be the best natural strength booster especially for male strength and sexual impotence.
Shilajit contains a lot of essential vitamins and minerals, which cure various physical ailments and diseases.
Shilajit is anti-aging that helps in the effects of aging and mental and physical weakness.
Shilajit is also very useful for male and female latent diseases.
Shilajit is the best medicine for Zia Batis.
Shilajit is antiseptic, anti-ulcer and anti-allergic.
Shilajit thins the blood and removes obesity.
Shilajit is also considered useful for old age as well as memory loss.
Shilajit is useful in lethargy, depression and general fever.
Shilajit is high in folic acid which helps brain development and our immune system.
Shilajit increases stamina and immunity.
Shilajit increases digestion and is useful in ejaculation and flow. The flow of semen is very useful in the stream. It is also very useful in prostate enlargement and its edema. Male strength and potency is an abundant asset given by nature.

How to use:
After breakfast and dinner, dissolve one gram of Shilajit in warm water or milk and drink it
* Start with one gram and gradually increase the amount.

Both men and women can use it.
People of all ages can use it, but according to the purpose for which you are using bananas, the amount of food can be reduced and the method of eating can change.

Intensification of Shilajit process at Jammu Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre: More info Jammu and Kashmir Medicinal Plants Introduction Centre 
More info :-

Shilajit is brought from the mountains and put into water vessels. Since Shilajit also contains rock fragments, soil and many other irregular materials. are done. The silage obtained by drying in the sun is called solar silage. The process of straining the silage takes many days. But in our institute it is dried in a solar dryer. Although the color of silage obtained in this process becomes dark brown and shiny solid form, but the original strength of silage obtained from it is likely to be low or low. Silage is of the same type but it may have different condition. - Crude, purified, strained.

Do not allow the body to cool down immediately after eating Shilajit

Availability: 250,500 & 1000 grams pack
WhatsApp/Instagram: 9858986794
Ph: 01933-223705

Damiana Tea Benefits: A Sip of Relaxation and Energy

Damiana ( Turnera diffusa ) is a wild shrub that grows in Mexico, Kashmir , Central America, and the West Indies. The leaf and stem are use...